Wednesday, September 14, 2011

God is Able

Reasons why yesterday totally rocked:

1) Secret church with an amazing friend!! (And I say "secret church" because we were kind of in hiding, haha...long story but so good!) I just love getting together with people of equal passion and diving into the Word and prayer! Come Holy Spirit!! Feeling SO incredibly blessed by all the people God has been placing in my life - friends, mentors and spiritual parents, you name it and God has been providing in abundance! - and that ultimately we can just support, encourage and spur one another on in going after HIM with all we have and all we are! THIS is the Body of Christ at its best! WOW. Seriously...what other life is there?! I'm totally overwhelmed and so taken with You, Lord, this crazy awesome adventure and loving every moment of it!

2) Powerful night of teaching, prayer and worship at church - can I just say that I'm increasingly FLOORED by how God works through prayer? It never ceases to amaze me how He shows up and tangibly pours out His LOVE and POWER as we pray to Him and enter into His Presence in worship!!! It's not us, it's ALL Him! And last night I was quite literally feeling God's jealous, passionate, relentless pursuit of people's hearts...He was totally wrecking them, awakening them to their desperate need for Him and stirring up their hunger for Him in an all new way and drawing them to Himself...there's no description that will do it justice but no exaggeration, His Spirit was so thick in the air, filling every crack and crevice with His all-consuming FIRE...there was just no escaping and no resisting it!! Anyone else go completely weak at the knees at His gentle yet incredibly intense whispers of deepest and purest love and desire for us? Just the way He woos us...ahhhh it's so completely glorious!!!

Can we just stop and dwell on this for a moment? Can we let this fully sink in? We are entirely unworthy and undeserving in every way, we rejected and turned away from Him and went our own way yet we have a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS God who is in love with us beyond what we can even fathom, whose delight is in us and in showering us with His all of His love and goodness, who will never give up on us and never stop pursuing us until we are wholly HIS, until we are ONE with Him! As He has revealed and expressed to us in CHRIST...and there is still so much of this divine mystery we cannot yet grasp...whatever it takes, at whatever cost GOD is after our hearts and He will not relent! And when we just open up our hearts to respond to that, when we surrender all and allow Him to have His way we find that we are completely overtaken by His love and consumed by all that He is, filled with the FULLNESS of God. AMAZING. I have no more words to describe it...just revel in it!!!

For our God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. - Deuteronomy 4:24

This is what the LORD Almighty says: "I am very jealous for Zion; I am burning with jealousy for her." - Zechariah 8:2

Therefore I am now going to allure her. I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. - Hosea 2:14

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? - Psalm 139:7

For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love, rives cannot wash it away. - Song of Solomon 8:6-7

<3 <3 <3

3) The continuing realization that God's plan and His ideas for my life are so, so much better than mine. There is just no way I can orchestrate what He has been orchestrating in my life, even just recently and I'm joyfully experiencing that total freedom that comes with surrendering my rights, my wants, my desires, my will, everything and trusting Him to make the way, trusting Him with every area and every detail of my life because it's ALL His. Sometimes I slip into thinking that I know what's best for me and what I want, but how much more does He know exactly what I need and when I need it and how much more will He provide what I could never attain on my own! I can't do anything apart from Him but He can do ALL THINGS! It's so amazing and so liberating!

So what's my job in all of this? To delight myself in Him, just as He delights in me. To rejoice in Him, just as He rejoices over me. The rest is His. And as I do I always find that I'm entirely fulfilled, overwhelmingly satisfied because no matter what else, at all times and in every way He is my portion, He is more than enough, and He is all I truly want! That's the greatest blessing I will ever have or ever know and it's the one I crave above all else - just to live in the holy light of His love and His Presence, to be able to know Him more and more and to follow where He leads me. Nothing else could ever compare!!

So this is the song (yes, there is always a song!) that the Lord is really using to speak to me right now and encompasses what He has been impressing upon my spirit and the conviction He has been bringing to life within me...GOD is ABLE!! And I'm getting the sense that it's not just for me but for others in my life as well and just where they're at! We all really need to lay hold of this truth, not just in our heads but in our hearts, and as we do and as we believe it with our entire beings and declare it by faith we will see and experience His mighty power in miraculous ways and will be living out that full and abundant life of FREEDOM in Him that He has promised us! Hallelujah!! He is our GOD and He is SO AWESOME!!! He and He alone is WORTHY of our worship and our PRAISE!!! Rejoice in Him at all times and in all circumstances, no matter what and above all else because He is ABLE!!!

God is able
He will never fail
He is Almighty God
Greater than all we seek
Greater than all we ask
He has done great things

Lifted up
He defeated the grave
Raised to life
Our God is able
In His name
We overcome
For the Lord our God is able!

God is with us
He is on our side
He will make a way
Far above all we know
Far above all we hope
He has done great things

God is with us
He will go before
He will never leave us
God is for us
He has open arms
He will never fail us


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