Monday, August 8, 2011

His Grace Enough

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9

Pretty sure this is my life verse. I've loved it from the time I came to Christ. I'm amazed at the ways God has used it to speak into my life over and over again! It's such a word for me in this season in particular as I'm taking greater steps of faith and seeking to live for Him ever more boldly. I'm clinging so tightly to this promise! I've always been one, if left to my own thoughts and devices, to dwell too much on what I see as my weaknesses, shortcomings, and imperfections. My inadequacy. But I love the Lord who says that it's in my weaknesses that His POWER is made PERFECT. In other words, they do not hinder Him at all but He shows Himself strong and mighty through them! He, our Creator, already knows all of our weaknesses and promises that His GRACE is sufficient, it's ENOUGH for us. They will not prevent Him for using us right where we are! If we were already strong in every way, if we ever attained perfection, what need would we have for Him and His strength? Our weaknesses necessitate our dependence on God, they make the way for His strength and power to be made manifest in and through us. That's why Paul said that he DELIGHTS in weaknesses, for when he is weak, then he is STRONG (2 Cor. 12:10).

So because God has promised us that He will always come through in those areas where are weak and has told us that we are to look to HIS strength and not our own (Ps. 105:4), we have no need to dwell on them anymore! What is the point? He has overcome all of them! Such freedom! Of course when we come before God we can and should confess and acknowledge exactly where we're at - strengths and weaknesses and all - release it all to Him, and with open, sincere and willing hearts ask God to use all we are and all we have for His glory, to do what only He can do. We offer the sacrifices of our broken spirit, our broken and contrite hearts (Ps. 51:17). And He does not despise, but in love He releases His strength, His grace and His mercy, and fills all our emptiness with His fullness. He gives us HIS heart and HIS Spirit! As we fix our eyes on Him and walk forward in faith and confidence in all He is, as we proclaim His Name and His Word, He performs, He works and acts on our behalf, He displays His power among us!

I've become convinced that one of the greatest tricks and deceptions of the enemy is to get our eyes off of God and onto ourselves. Because he knows that if he can get us to look inward, to be self-focused instead of God-focused, we will be tempted to magnify all of our faults, shortcomings and weaknesses, and we will become slaves again to selfishness and to fear. And when are slaves to fear we cannot be slaves to righteousness, we cannot walk boldly by the Spirit of the Living God. We still belong to God and we are still His children but we essentially become ineffective for His Kingdom. And Satan knows he has no say in our salvation but he'll do everything he can to keep us from the calling God has for us to be His witnesses on the earth.

But God's Word says that He has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of POWER, of LOVE and a SOUND MIND (2 Tim. 1:7), the spirit of SONSHIP! (Rom. 8:15). Meaning, because we belong to God we are led by His Spirit! God says - there is no reason to fear, I am WITH you and yes, I see and understand all of your weaknesses even more clearly than you do but My love and My grace are enough to cover you, My righteous right hand upholds you and guides you as you fix your eyes on ME and only on ME! Trust and depend on MY power, on MY strength! I will NEVER fail you, you will NEVER be put to shame! All I want is your heart, your devotion and your willingness to be a vessel! I don't expect perfection, I know you will stumble along the path...I've already seen it, My grace has already covered it and redeemed it through my Son Jesus Christ, I just need you to get back up and keep walking with Me! I will always meet you exactly where you're at, I'm doing more in and through you than you will ever know or could ever see, simply because you have put your faith in Me, you are called by My Name and are whole-heartedly devoted to My will and My Kingdom on the earth! Fear is a LIE - I have already told you who you are and nothing and no one could ever change that or take that away. Your identity is SECURE! Your weaknesses do NOT define you, I DO! Fixating on and lamenting your weaknesses does not glorify Me; surrendering them to Me so that I can be strong through them DOES. Know that if you follow hard after Me, obey My commands and confess and believe My Word, I will do all the work. It's not about you, or what think you can or can't do - it's about Me and what I can do. And with Me, NOTHING is impossible, NOTHING is too hard! I have overcome and through Me, you overcome! I give you the victory in Jesus! I make all grace abound to you so that you will abound in every good work! You have EVERYTHING you need in ME! Abide in Me, remain in Me - and I will see you through!

Hmm, I much prefer the sound of God's voice to that of the enemy. The enemy knows he's finished, that he has no chance to distract or hinder or take us captive to fear and discouragement once we have our eyes absolutely transfixed on God, His power, His strength, His all-sufficiency, all that He is. It's not possible to be God-absorbed and self-absorbed at the same time. So immerse yourself in God, cling to His promises - meditate on them day and night. Know who you are in Him, what you have in Him, who He is! He is so much more, so much greater, ALWAYS! And in this way we will usher in His kingdom everywhere we go, we will shine the light of the glory of His Name in the darkest places, we will show His love to a broken and hurting world that's more desperate for Him than ever before!

Thank You Lord that though man looks at the outward appearance, You look at the heart. You examine the heart and the mind, You search out our inmost being. You know Lord those who are fully devoted to You and You STRENGTHEN them by Your Spirit. I thank You Lord that you don't ask us to be perfect - Jesus is already perfect on our behalf and we are found in Him! You just ask that we come, that we follow You with willing and expectant hearts. You ask that we commit all that we are unto You and unto the things of heaven. In our every area of need and of weakness, with every stumble along the path, we believe and know that Your strength and Your grace are sufficient for us. We put our hope in Your Word, Lord, in Your TRUTH that gives us life and sets us free! Come and show Yourself mighty in and through us today and every day that we walk with You! Increase our faith! Lord, we know we can't do it alone - we need You, we depend on You for every ounce of strength we have. Thank You that You freely pour out on us and that in You we lack no good thing, we are more than conquerors, we are overcomers in You! Glory, honor and power be unto Your Name, Jesus! It's ALL about You.

I will believe
You are strong enough in my weakness
God, be lifted up

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