Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Awakening 2012

Finally an update! Happy February! The month of January just flew by, and I wish I could write an entry that would do justice to just what an incredible month it was, with everything JESUS has been doing and all He has been revealing. It has been so crazy!!! It goes all the way back to His promise to me in October (Isaiah 46:13; see also this entry) and how since then I have just been watching in utter amazement (to put it mildly) as God has been and continues to bring this promise to fruition, doing exactly what He told me He was going to do (so as this unfolds I shouldn't be surprised, right?! But somehow I still am, if not just because He always blows the roof off my initial expectations!) with several HUGE breakthroughs this past month. Things I had at one point never even thought possible, the LORD has been bringing about right before my eyes. It has absolutely blown me away and opened up a whole new realm in terms of how I am conceiving of God - His salvation, His power, His thoughts and His ways that are infinitely greater and higher than our own (Isa. 55:8-9) - I am experiencing these glorious truths first hand! And with an ever heightened awareness that it is ALL Him and ALL by His is HIM who reveals, saves, and proclaims (Isa. 43:12). As He performs His Word...all I can do is worship in amazement. I am left with absolutely nothing, nothing at all but to worship and praise Him...which is exactly where I need to be at all times, never losing sight of this Mighty and Wondrous God who is just so inconceivable in His goodness and I grow in the knowledge of Him I will only be evermore awestruck. He is taking me HIGHER all the time and I am just SO in LOVE with Him to increasingly avail myself to Him so He can have His way in me. GOD be PRAISED!! He is just rocking my world in every possible way!!!

Another thing is that our church, along with other churches all around the world, just completed a 21-day fast called Awakening. This is my third year participating in this fast, and normally, though everything God does throughout the course of the fast makes it all so worth it, I am excited for it to come to an end and enjoy the end-of-fast celebrations, and this time around it was no different in that respect. The ridiculously awesome way this fast ended called for the most joyful of celebrations (but that's another entry altogether!) and I definitely partook!! But it's really pressing on me this year that this is not the end of anything but only the beginning. I'm coming out of this fast with a much weaker desire for anything of this world and a much greater hunger for more of Him. God has lit a fresh fire in affections are stirred, my heart and my flesh are crying out...all I want is MORE of God! There is absolutely NOTHING or NO ONE who compares to Him and the way He fills and satisfies me! And the one thing I love about fasting is that it doesn't change Him in the slightest, but it changes us in that we become so much more aware of His Presence, so much more aware of our need for and dependence on Him, so much hungrier for Him and as a result WE come into alignment with HIM, WE are in agreement with our weakness HE is magnified and becomes greater...and I am humbled to the dust, so that HE can lift me up. There is no way I can describe the power I've experienced in any fast I've done. But GOD moves, and we are in sync with Him because He has our undivided focus and we have offered ourselves up completely to Him. And all of these beautiful & miraculous things happen:

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.

--Isaiah 58:8-9

So basically...God has already blown me out of the water with the things He has been bringing about already this year, and He is only just getting started. This entire year will be AWAKENING. There is just so much more He has for us, eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, no mind has ever even conceived of it...but He has revealed it to us by His Spirit (1 Cor. 2:9). And so we REJOICE!! We are JOYFUL in hope! (Rom. 12:12). I will continue to believe Him to be faithful to His Promises as He has revealed in His glorious Word of TRUTH and to be faithful to complete the works He has begun! And in all of this He and He ALONE will be glorified!!! HALLELUJAH praise the Mighty & AWESOME Name of Jesus!! It all belongs to HIM!! :D

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