Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Just had the most anointed day with the Lord! It was quite literally one thing after another. God totally rocked me with His presence tonight at Deeper and just revealed the beauty and sweetness of His heart to me in an all new way! Worship was off the hook. Several divine appointments and prophetic words completely shook me and stirred me up, especially because some came from completely unexpected places! How does He ordain these things? And just when I think I could not be more in awe of Him! I love how God not only exceeds our wildest expectations when He comes through for us but He works in ways that we would least expect or could never predict. Yet it's always so perfect and we wouldn't want it any other way! Just blows my mind. I love that I have a God who is so awesome and so amazing as to completely overwhelm me with each and every moment spent in His Presence. No two moments or experiences with Him are alike. It's always a totally fresh revelation of who He is! And right now I'll just admit that I'm overcome like never before with pure adoration and love for Him who loves and blesses me so extravagantly and showers me with His righteousness. Reassured in all new ways of His faithfulness, His provision and the exceptional greatness of His plans for all who trust, delight in and are devoted to Him, who seek Him wholeheartedly and set themselves and their lives apart for His Name! God so honors and rewards that! (Heb. 11:6) And just the way He so tangibly poured out His love and His joy on everyone tonight. Awesome beyond words. Because of all that He is, because His joy is my strength, it is my absolute JOY to lay down my life and live entirely for Him and for His glory! It is my joy to be poured out for Him! Freely I have received, freely I will give! I make it my foremost desire just to be close to Him, as close as I can possibly be. My heart beats to search out His heart, every fibre of my being craves intimacy with the Lover of my soul. He's all I want and all I need and in Him I have absolutely everything! I live in His glorious freedom, in the fullness of His grace! Lord Jesus, let everything I am worship You, now and forever!

I'm found in grace
In Love's embrace
My heart is overwhelmed

Sing my soul of how your love has set me free
Sing my heart of how Your mercy rescued me
Hear my cry of endless love to my Savior and to my King
My heart is overwhelmed

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