Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Sometimes, like earlier today, I find myself frustrated with certain weaknesses I have and can't seem to shake, no matter how hard I try. Weaknesses that the world seems to like to point out. Then I find myself lamenting them and wishing I could be different, or be more like someone else. Maybe then I'd be more acceptable to them...more acceptable to God.

But then I'm gently reminded that when God created me, He knew exactly what He was doing. He didn't make any mistakes, He didn't falter or second guess, He's not disappointed, He doesn't have regrets. He created me, strengths and weaknesses and all, in His image to fulfill a unique purpose on this earth and for His Kingdom that only I can fulfill. He loves me just as I am and wouldn't trade me for someone else, or my idea of how I should be or could be. It's so comforting to know, and I love how He spoke this to me today, that God actually treasures and values the things in and about me that by the world's standards are weaknesses, or the things that go unnoticed except by the God who created me, knows me inside and out and searches the depths of my heart (1 Sam. 16:7).

So whom will I believe? Sadly, I spent most of my life growing up believing, as people coming in and out of my life would tell me over and over again in so many words, that there was something wrong with me, that no matter how hard I tried I would just never be good enough. I was not worthwhile. I wasn't normal. I was defective. I was told so many times that I became resigned to it on a subconscious level and it showed in the person I was. Then I gave my life to Christ, and found out I was wrong. They were wrong. I had been believing a lie and letting it dictate my life. It's definitely been a retraining of my mind over time, allowing God's truth about my identity to sink in and drown out the lies once and for all. And the glorious truth is that the more I seek Him and find Him, and the more I know Him, the more I find myself, and the more my real self I become. As God has been molding, shaping, and refining me, making me more like Him, I am so encouraged to discover that I'm finding my identity more and more in Him. What's more, I'm seeing how He takes my brokenness and turns it into beauty. It's there, in those places where I feel so weak and so inadequate, that I encounter His strength (2 Corinthians 12:10). I rest in His sufficiency instead of my own and praise Him that He is everything I am not, that His love and His grace are more than enough to cover me. There is absolutely nothing or no one in this world who can change or take away from who I am in Christ or who I am to God, and I refuse to base my identity on anything other than who God says I am and how He sees me. I am His! So while I'm still a major work in progress, I'm definitely not who I was (2 Corinthians 5:17). Possibly the best praise report ever. :)

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:14

So, whoever you are, wherever you're at...God created you and He loves you. You are irreplaceable and priceless to Him. He gave His life for you and wouldn't trade you for the world. He has a unique purpose and amazing plan for your life. Come to Him just as you are, and as you surrender and submit yourself to Him, as you look for Christ, you will find Him, and you will find your true self. You will be found in Him. And there is absolutely nothing else.

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